Why VirtueIam?
Why VirtueIam?
I remember I was about 15 years old. I heard a song with the word "Virtue" in it. I never knew what that word meant however, it stuck with me. As I got older, I gave my life to the Lord when I was 22 years old. I started Studying the bible, I came across the word "Virtue" again in the book of Proverbs chapter 31. Towards the end of that chapter, it spoke about a virtuous woman. It list several characters of her. She is valuable, she is trust worthy, she is a nurturer, she is hard working, she is honest, she is a provider, she is an investor, she is an entrepreneur, she is bold, she is a giver, she is a home maker, she is an encourager, she is a lover, she is strong, she is wise, she is loyal and so many more. Most of those characteristics I can relate to or am working to relate to. As I mature, I have aimed to live a life of integrity and character. One that strive to do things morally and has a conduct of ethical principles. No, I am not perfect nor do I claim to be, but I aim to always do things with virtue. That's why today I am proud to say VirtueIam and if you can relate to those characteristics or are aiming to, then you to can say VirtueIam.
Tristina Hayden